After nine years of uninterrupted organization of the Grand Weeks of Mathematics, the Mathematics Academy of the Faculty of Physical Mathematical Sciences of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla organizes the tenth edition of the Grand Weeks of Mathematics with international character for the first time, named First International Congress on Mathematics and its Applications.
We must look behind to all the work that has been done until now, and remark its importance and value. During all these years our country, our university and our school have radically evolved. Parallel to these changes, the Grand Weeks have also performed quantum leaps keeping their unchangeable spirit: mathematics in Puebla has something to say, and mathematicians can use this space for this means. The Mathematics Academy of the Faculty of Physical Mathematical Sciences through the Grand Weeks carries on the collective organization of spots for the diffusion and meditation on mathematical tasks at its amplest sense, involving many interested people and creating new interest in the outreach of deeper and wider mathematical knowledge in new people.
As we said before, the spirit of the Grand Weeks has not changed. It keeps its faith in the power of mathematical speech as the entity that is unified in organizational and sustained practice. Faculty of Physical Mathematical Sciences different selves with somewhat confronted ideas coexist; however, we get together to organize the Grand Weeks. We would like to stress the profound human character that lies beneath the visible body of this congress, which is made up by conferences, workshops and discussions. Where does the magic of human interaction that organizers and attendants experience come from? We believe it has three main sources: the nature of mathematics, the history of mathematics in Puebla, and the group of mathematicians in Puebla that take part in organizing this activity. On one hand, mathematics demands both critical attitude and listening to others out of the bounds of dogmatism; furthermore, it lays in us the hope of being able to solve any problem. On the other hand, mathematics in Puebla has always been performed with democratic responsibility, i. e., reporting to community and involving it in the taking of decisions. Finally, as a result of this background, we have been able at the Faculty of Physical Mathematical Sciences to bring together a group of persons with enough experience, knowledge and conviction to keep on creating, recreating and enhancing this scientific cultural space.
As a proof, throughout the history of the Grand Weeks, the size and diversity of sessions has grown. Besides, considering the quality of the talks and the growth in attendance, as well as the diversity of its places of origin, we conclude that the importance and influence of the Grand Weeks have escalated. These events have also had a positive effect on the perspectives of mathematics at the basic levels of education, extending thus the importance of mathematics and its outreach.
The Grand Weeks of Mathematics have accomplished being a cultural-human event on the outreach and reflection of the most diverse mathematical tasks. Through the years, this activity has become essential to mathematicians in Puebla, principally for spiritual reasons. We hope to spread this feeling to all mathematicians in the world in order to encourage them and share their experience at this CIMA.
We are looking forward to your participation, to learn with the talks that shall be delivered and to enjoy the celebration of mathematical richness that the Faculty of Physical Mathematical Sciences.