Seminario del Cuerpo Académico
de Partículas, Campos y Relatividad General

Quantum particles in free fall and their diffraction
Dr. Emerson Sadurní
Viernes 13 de diciembre de 2019, 12:00 hrs.
Sala de conferencias FM5-301


The diffraction of atomic and molecular beams is typically described by non-trivial solutions of the stationary Schroedinger equation. This has been done traditionally in the absence of external fields. In this talk, the techniques that incorporate a moderate gravitational field are presented. A derivation of the corresponding propagator is provided without approximations, identifying the propagation coordinate with a pseudo-time. Implications on quantum tests of the equivalence principle are briefly reviewed in this light, showing that modified probability densities arise when small corrections of the mass ratio are introduced.


El seminario del Cuerpo Académico de Partículas, Campos y Relatividad General de la Facultad de Ciencias Físico-Matemáticas de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, es una reunión semanal de los miembros del cuerpo, investigadores posdoctorales y estudiantes de posgrado para conocer los avances que se hacen en el área.

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